Friday, July 31, 2009

A summer working the 5K for a marathon+ runner ...

I know what you're thinking, and yes, a 5k does not really do it for me. But I committed to run on a Hood To Coast relay team with an impressive resume, and I need to work on my speed. I justify running the 3.1-mile distance by sandwiching the race in between a 3-mile warmup and 3-mile cool down. It is also a great source of a second speed workout/tempo run for the week. I've already completed three this summer, which is more than I usually do in one year. Tomorrow I'm taking it to another level and participating in a 5k time trial on the track with 8 other local Knoxville runners. There are about 5 of us that are around the same speed and looking to break 16 minutes. My PR is 16:08, something I've never really tried to improve upon because I could care less about this distance. When my non running friends ask me if I have a race over the weekend and I tell them a 5k, they usually shake their heads and tell me I can go out and drink the night before and then stumble through it in my sleep. And I almost agree with them, though, in the 5k's defense, I would much rather run a marathon at a 5:53 pace, than torture my body trying to run as fast as I can at a 5:15 pace. Wish me luck tomorrow morning. I will be back to let you know if I succeeded in breaking 16 minutes.

Bob Adams
Brad Adams
Jason Altman (possible pacer)
Bobby Holcombe
Daniel Julian
Eric Malkowski
Michael Mentz
Elijah Shekinah

Alan Horton
Greg Johnson
Drew Streip

Ryan Smith
Nick Symmonds (rabbit - going out in .49 low)


  1. 5:15? that is nutters. you my friend would be finished before i got to two miles. good luck though. i feel you on not loving the 5K. damn distance running got me hooked. ;)

  2. Hey Bob - this blog is great... Reading about your training is motivation for "regular" runners like me!
