Monday, August 10, 2009

Bob's running advice: Weekly runs

Figuring out what to run each week can be difficult at times, so here is an example of a weekly workout schedule that I've followed and set up for other runners that works well. There are three runs during the week that I feel are too important to pass up: track workout, medium-distance tempo run, and long run.

First, look at your upcoming weekly work schedule, unless it is the same every week, and determine when you are going to get in these runs (preferrably not on consecutive days). Every other day can be used to get in recovery miles (at a pace that it is easy to talk) or can be used as a cross training day or rest day. I have worked my way up to only taking a rest day every few weeks, though each person is different and needs more/less time to recover. If I have a race on the weekend, if it is a 15k or less I usually do it in place of the tempo run for that week. If it is anything more than a 15k, then I usually replace my long run for that week. I also sometimes replace the track workout with a tough hill repeat workout to build up strength.

There isn't a definite art to it, but after awhile, you will figure what weekly routine works best for you. By keeping a training log, you can look back and determine what workout routines you liked and tailor it from there. If you have any questions let me know. I didn't go into that much detail so as to not overload anyone with info.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty much a plan that I adhere to. Thanks for sharing!
